Bollywood star Aamir Khan turns 45 on Sunday, March 14. Though he’s never known to throw lavish parties, this year there won’t be even a low-key private celebration. Why?
“I will not be celebrating my birthday this year,” Aamir told a news agency without specifying the reason. But it’s clear that the actor is still bereaving the death of his father Tahir Hussain last month.
Rather, on Sunday Aamir will be in Delhi to attend a conclave where he’ll be talking about the future of cinema on the same platform with Hollywood director James Cameron, the maker of the mega-blockbuster Avatar.
“Yes, I am going to be in Delhi for (a) conclave where I would be meeting Cameron,” Aamir succinctly revealed.
Throughout 2010, Aamir is going to be busy with his three in-house productions - Peepli Live, Dhobi Ghaat and Delhi Belly. Of the three, he stars in only ‘Dhobi Ghaat’.
Speaking about his criterion of choosing films, Aamir said: “I am attracted to scripts that move me emotionally and when you have such stories to tell, it doesn’t matter how unusual it is, people connect to it... I’ve no idea what audiences want. I only have an idea about what I want.”
Anyway, we wish a happy birthday to Aamir.