Along with Aamir Khan, two other Bollywood celebrities are invited for the conclave that will be attended by the legendary Avatar director James Cameron in New Delhi during this weekend. But, these young stars will not share the same platform as Aamir and James.
Kapoor prodigy, Ranbir Kapoor and one-film wonder Asin will participate in the India Today Conclave on Saturday and will speak on Youth forum session for the topic ‘Reality Vs Idealism’.
On the other hand, Aamir and Cameron will talk movies in Future of Cinema section, which will conclude the two-day long buzz session of various leaders and speakers as “it will bring together the finest minds across the planet to debate and discuss the new decisive decade.”
And after all that public addressing, the guests and speakers will be treated to a sumptuous, splendid dinner that will also offer them the chance to mingle and make friends.
So, as of now, the chances of Ranbir or Asin meeting Cameron are quite bleak unless the two stars decide to gatecrash or formally attend ‘Future of Cinema’ forum just to see, touch, talk or even be photographed with the man who’s made the highest earning film ever.