Vishal Bharadwaj’s next film is called Dream Sequence and he has roped in Saif Ali Khan and Deepika Padukone for the film. Our source close to the director said, “Though Vishal has been busy with the music sessions and mixing of Saat Khoon Maaf, he has already started working on the script of this movie.”
Apparently, Vishal found Dream Sequence to be an apt title for his film. “It is a very engrossing story. Vishal gave Saif and Deepika a brief description of the plot and both of them are looking forward to the movie.
In fact, Deepika is looking forward to working with Vishal. The movie is all about dreams coming true.
There were stories in the media that Priyanka Chopra was likely to play the lead opposite Saif Ali Khan in Dream Sequence but it seems that Deepika, who pipped Priyanka to bag the role, will be playing the lead in the film.