Abhishek Bachchan has completed his first decade in Bollywood. The actor who made his debut with J.P. Duta’s Refugee in 2000 worked in about 14-15 films before he got his first hit with Dhoom. And the Bachchans are now contemplating throwing a big private bash at their residence to celebrate the same.
Our source said, “The Bachchans have not had a celebration party after Abhishek’s wedding with Aishwarya three years back. Now they want to celebrate this occasion and Big B is also keen. He thinks it is time to thank everyone who has been instrumental in building Abhishek’s career. Amitabh himself is known to be a gracious man and this was evident when he publicly apologised to Salim Khan a few days ago after he learnt that Khan was upset with him.
As part of the celebrations, they plan to invite each and every filmmaker that Abhishek has worked with in the last 10 years. However, the bash is still in the planning stage and things will be finalised in a month or so.