Manyata Dutt helped Kangna Ranaut a lot as the actress bought a triplex penthouse apartment on the 11th floor of a Bandra building. It so happened that Kangna expressed her desire for a spacious flat to let her move her family in Sanjay Dutt’s business manager, Dharam Oberoi who in turn, asked her seek help from Manyata as she knew some builders. When Kangna made a call to Manyata, she immediately arranged for a meeting with the builders and Kangna and the deal was struck as a discounted price and easy pay option. The house has attractive facilities like swimming pool, health club facilities, and also a private lift for Miss Ranaut.
Dharam confirms, “When Kangna was searching for a flat in Bandra, Maanayata stepped in and sorted it out for her; plus got her a good deal. The deal is final and the flat will be ready by next year. It’s one of the poshest buildings in that area. She’s really working hard on the payments and plans to move in by next year.”
A grateful Kangna says, “I was looking for a bigger flat as I want my family to live with me. My sister is getting married next year and the 3-BHK flat I stay in, is going to be too small for us. Maanayata has helped me get a good deal.”
Now, Kangna did not hesitate in showing her gratitude to Manyata who is pregnant now. When she was in Dubai, she purchased a lot of gifts for expected mother, baby clothes, toys and maternity clothes from Marks & Spencer.
So, here we have another mutual admiration club, it seems!!