Bhushan Kumar’s Kajraare that was to hit the theatres on August 6 has been pushed to September 10. The real reason of course is because the film stands to be pitted against two big giants - Arbaaz Khan’s Dabangg and Karan Johar’s We Are Family.
“The promos of Dabangg have caught up in a big way, while We Are Family boasts of an exclusive star cast - where Kajol and Kareena will be seen together again after Kabhi Khushi Kabhi Gham. To release at the same time as movies with such big stars would have been a bad move,” said our source. Though Bhushan Kumar remained unavailable for comment, insiders have it that Kumar is confident that with Kajaare having a Muslim theme, the film will definitely strike a chord with the audience and thus it was apt to release Kajraare on Eid.