Bollywood superstar Aamir Khan used his charm to convince some of the village folks to act in his latest offering Peepli (Live). It so happened that debutant director Anusha Rizvi who was shooting with the cast and crew in a village wanted the villagers to play themselves in a couple of scenes to make it more authentic. But the villagers were least interested. Anusha pleaded with them but they were not willing. As a last resort she decided to use Aamir’s name as a bait for them to bite. Nothing would make them agree.
“Kahaan hai Aamir? Humne unko aaj tak dekha nahi hai. Aap jhooth bol rahe ho,” they would counter. Anusha finally called Aamir to come on the sets only to show his face to the unrelenting villagers. “Aamir immediately squeezed out some time to be on the sets and meet the villagers,” said our source. “Once they met Aamir they were relaxed and decided to give in to the director’s request and were very happy to be part of the project.”