Genelia D’souza’s all hot(ttt) for a KISS. Er, rinse your psyches, it simply stands for ’Keep It Simple Stupid’. Super dishy Genelia knows her mind… and can figure out guys who will make the grade on her list.
No tight tees. No fancy baggy jeans. No kool hair dripping gel. These are far from the criteria for GD’s ’Mr.Right’.
Rather, she likes men who are good at KISS (the acronym, that is), and hates self styled flamboyant braggarts. And males who simply put down others, can beat a hasty retreat from GD.
Well cut, uncrumpled clothes and clean fingernails score high brownie points. And a good dancer… might just salsa into her heart…
Guess, Riteish Deshmukh is all this. And more?