In just a flash the romantic moment between Sonam Kapoor and Imran Khan turned a foul-smelling experience. The duo was shooting in the green landscape of New Zealand for a romantic song for I Hate Luv Storys and one of the shots required the two to embrace after which Sonam leans backwards while Imran supports her with his arm behind her back.
However, director Puneet Malhotra wasn’t satisfied after repeated takes. He told the couple to add more flair and romance to their chemistry.
But this time when Sonam leaned back energetically in Imran’s arm, he couldn’t keep his grip on her and she fell down into a pile of cow-dung in the field. Though Imran too lost his balance and came down, it was Sonam who made maximum contact with dung.
After the fall, the actress rushed for a quick change of dress and thankfully the costume wasn’t required after that shot.