Actor Akshay Kumar inaugurated the ‘Abbhinnay Acting Academy’ on Thursday. The event was hosted by veteran actor Pankaj Dheer (popularly known for his character ‘Karna’ in the hit series Mahabharat), his brother Satluj Dheerand Sunita Hariharan.
Akshay and Pankaj Dheer’s friendship goes back right from Akshay’s first film. They share a strong and emotional bond and out of this emotional bond Akshay willing agreed to inaugurate the academy. They have worked in six movies together including ‘Ikke pe Ikka’ and ‘Mr.Bond’.
The event started at 8 am at the Academy itself, which is situated in Jogeshwari. Present at the event were the proud owners Pankaj Dheer, Satluj Dheer and Sunita Hariharan, the faculty members and celebrities like Saurabh Shuklaw, Javed Khan and Mrinal Kulkarni. Hiten Paintal was present to support his dad Gufi Paintal, who is the head of the faculty department.
By opening an acting academy, Mr. Dheer has fulfilled his dream. “I strongly feel that the need of the hour is to have an acting school that will not only teach the technical aspects but also make one understand life, people, emotions and relationships. Acting is supposed to revolve around ‘Navras, a method of teaching that is long forgotten. Exploring the ‘Navras’ is the essence of our teaching. This is what Abbhinnay Acting Academy is all about.”
Abbhinnay Acting Academy is a world class Institution, setup with the objective of providing such aspiring and talented youngsters with the skills and techniques required to excel in the art of acting. Managed and run by well-known industry professionals, the faculty consists of some of the most sought after names from FTII- Pune, NSD-Delhi and our very own Hindi film Industry.
Photos: Akshay Kumar Launches Pankaj Dheer’s Abbhinnay Acting Academy