After dilly dallying the project for over two years, director duo Abbas-Mustan is all set to start off with the Hindi remake of Hollywood hit ‘The Italian Job’. The much-awaited venture, which stars two of most sought after actors of Bollywood - Abhishek Bachchan and Neil Nitin Mukesh, is slated to hit the floors in July.
Rumours were rife that the remake of Hollywood’s action thriller ‘The Italian Job’ has been called off because of the producers’ fear over film’s non-commercial value. However, refuting the trade buzz that the film has been shelved, Abbas has asserted to the media that the film is very on.
Shariq Patel, Production Head, Indian Film Company, the banner of the corporate major, adds, “We’re at the point of finishing all the paperwork with Paramount. We meet Abbas-Mustan at least once every week for an update. Abhishek Bachchan has been signed on, Neil Mukesh has been confirmed. In another 10 days, we’ll get the final dates from the stars. We plan to roll by the third quarter at the latest.”
When asked if Katrina Kaif and Priyanka Chopra are being considered for the same, Patel said, “We’re in talks, we’ll announce the names as soon as things are locked.” Buzz is that that the schedule will be planned according to Bachchan’s dates, since he’s the biggest star.
Declining to comment on the budget, Patel asserts, “We’ve locked the figures with Abbas-Mustan. It’s the biggest film from our studio. We will endeavour to make it as cost-effective as we can, but we won’t compromise on quality. Depending on when we begin filming, we will set the release date accordingly, that can be any time between next summer to Diwali.”