Action star Akshay Kumar recently enjoyed a tight slap from an extraordinary monkey. The ‘Khiladi Kumar’ did not mind it at all and took it sportingly as it was a part of a comic sequence in ‘Housefull’.
The actor was happy that the monkey, in question, was a special one - a Hollywood star. The monkey named Tara, a10-year-old female capuchin, rose to stardom as Captain Barbossa`s monkey ‘Jack’ in the Johnny Depp-starrer ‘Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl’.
Tara is a superstar and according to reports, she has a whole range of toys designed after her character in the ‘Pirates…’. Sources reveal that when producer Sajid Nadiadwala and director Sajid Khan tried to get the monkey’s dates for their film, they came across a problem. Her dates clashed with those of Akshay Kumar. The producer-director finally managed to get one day for their shoot and the comic shot was completed at one go.
Sajid Nadiadwala is trying his best to get Tara’s dates to promote the film and bring her safely to Mumbai. After all, she is no less a star than Akshay Kumar.
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